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いいえ NEW


発売日 2024.4.5
熟成年数 2 Years
蒸留年 2020
カスク 1st Fill Barrel / Bourbon
地域 Glasgow
ボトリング本数 257
アルコール度数 49.0%

タイトル: Truly very oaky-dokey / すごーくいいね


The initial aroma was that of fresh juniper, bergamot oranges and earl grey tea leaves. We then discovered the scent of a tapenade with Kalamata olives, fig and mint before sweeter notes in the form of candy floss and peach melba arrived. This was very fresh and minty, with a hint of lime zest on the palate neat, while in the finish there was a suggestion of aniseed, cumin and fennel herbal tea. The addition of water released a slight earthiness resembling wet juniper shrubs before fruity aromas of papaya, pineapple and apricot emerged. To taste, we found a mixed berry and vanilla smoothie accompanied by a mint chocolate chip cookie.

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