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いいえ NEW


発売日 2024.6.21
熟成年数 7 Years
蒸留年 2016
カスク 1st Fill Barrel / Charred
地域 Tennessee
ボトリング本数 202
アルコール度数 63.3%

タイトル: Do you feel lucky, punk? / ラッキーだと思う?パンクだと思う?

[味わい]パイナップル、パッション フルーツ、柔らかくジューシーなマンゴー。加水すると、砂糖漬けのサクランボ、ポップコーン、クリームチーズ・フロスティングが現れる。

The defiant aromas of cinnamon potpourri and intense incense gave chase to dried slices of apple and banana sweets, leading us into an alleyway lined with lychee-scented gewürztraminer wine and hibiscus tea. Backed into a corner, a tussle began between vivid vanilla, red chillies and sponge cake cooked in a V8 engine. Backup arrived with a dash of water, as elderflowers, tutti frutti ice cream and gooseberries came to the rescue. Then it was straight behind bars for pineapple, passion fruit and soft, juicy mango, before being judged by a jury of glacé cherries, popcorn and cream cheese frosting.

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