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スパイシー&ドライ/ SPICY & DRY NEW


発売日 2024.3.22
熟成年数 12 Years
蒸留年 2011
カスク 2nd Fill Barrel / Bourbon
地域 Speyside
ボトリング本数 222
アルコール度数 62.7%

タイトル: Dry hay on a scorching summer’s day / 灼熱の夏日に広がる乾いた干し草


The first impression on the neat nose related to the colour – yellow, banana, pineapple and dry hay on a scorching hot summer’s day. We also got ricotta, fig and sesame bagels, and strawberry jam. On the palate, there was a peppery spiciness next to the tartness of a granny smith apple before we enjoyed a piece of apple strudel with a pinch of nutmeg. Following reduction one Panellist imagined cycling in a desert without mouth protection, while others got spiced vanilla and a hint of mint. To taste, green pepper sautéed with chipotle was served with tortillas filled with Mexican rice.

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