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スパイシー&ドライ/ SPICY & DRY


熟成年数 9 Years
蒸留年 2012
カスク 1st Fill Barrel / Bourbon
地域 Highland
ボトリング本数 228
アルコール度数 61.9%

タイトル: Big loaf / ビッグローフ


The initial nose suggested to us bruised cooking apples, hessian cloth and bouillon stock with pearl barley. Rich, umami and nourishing! In time some notes of desiccated coconut and lemon barley water emerged too. Reduction brought nougat, sheep wool and petrichor with suntan lotion and lemon infused olive oil. The neat palate opened with a lovely creamy and fatty texture, then pineapple cubes, and eventually a big, rich, bready character. Water brought golden syrup, sunflower oils, brown bread, hand cream and cloudy cider.

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