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ディープ、リッチ&ドライフルーツ / DEEP, RICH & DRIED FRUITS NEW


発売日 2024.4.19
熟成年数 14 Years
蒸留年 2009
カスク 1st Fill Hogshead / Oloroso
地域 Highland
ボトリング本数 234
アルコール度数 57.8%

タイトル: Let's head for the lobby / ロビーに向かおう

10年間ex-bourbon hogsheadで蒸溜した後、 first fill oloroso hogsheadに移し替え。

The Panel picked over effervescent orange juice, cherry wood dust, plumbers' putty and dates crushed under rough granite slabs. The palate was full of popcorn, warm from the machine at the cinema, served in a red velvet sack and topped with clarified butter, Californian raisins, rapeseed oil, raspberry jam and vanilla frosting. Water did little to influence the nose, but added warm pancakes and honey to the palate, along with a finish of crushed dates and whipped cream. After 10 years in an ex-bourbon hogshead, we transferred this to a first fill oloroso hogshead for the remainder of its maturation.

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