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スパイシー&スイート / SPICY & SWEET NEW


発売日 2024.5.24
熟成年数 9 Years
蒸留年 2013
カスク 1st Fill Barrel / Bourbon
地域 Speyside
ボトリング本数 214
アルコール度数 57.2%

タイトル: Lime juice on rose petals / バラの花びらにライムジュース


Dried petals of roses, carnations and lavender rained down on to fresh pomegranate, hazelnut praline and the earthiness of spinach and leather. The palate was a tongue-twisting arrangement of spicy, sweet and sour as ginger, chillies and toffee rolled into gooseberries, lime juice and sour cream. The floral fragrance continued after adding water, now with Turkish delight and orange blossom honey. Sweet brioche and pain au chocolat joined toasted chestnuts and coconut husk before wine flavours emerged. The sweet and sour spice had now transformed into maple syrup, crystalised ginger and fudge, with a building warmth that finished with dry oak tannins and grape seeds.

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