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スパイシー&スイート / SPICY & SWEET


熟成年数 7 Years
蒸留年 2015
カスク 1st Fill Barrel / Bourbon
地域 Taiwan
ボトリング本数 191
アルコール度数 53.6%

タイトル: Biscuit-dunking delight / ビスケットを浸して楽しむ喜び


Sweet aromas of caramel, toffee and cream soda danced with malty notes of cereals and biscuits, while a fresh tingle of menthol combined with green grass. The palate was equally biscuit-based but now with crushed hazelnuts, nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger. Once we added water, intensely floral notes took us for a stroll through a flower show eating a lemon peel-topped vanilla cheesecake. Flavours were now fresher and juicier, as crunchy green apples mixed with pineapple cube sweets, and a light dusting of icing sugar coated a finish that combined chalky textures with malted biscuits and sea salt.

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