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ピート / PEATED


熟成年数 9 Years
蒸留年 2013
カスク 2nd Fill Hogshead / Oloroso
地域 Islay
ボトリング本数 241
アルコール度数 60.7%

タイトル: A lobster licking liquorice / リコリスをなめるロブスター

5年間ex-bourbon hogsheadで熟成した後、second fill oloroso hogsheadへ移し替え。

A complex fusion of chilled madeira wine, salty sea air and sherry trifle shifted towards deep aromas of burnt fruitcake, liquorice and nutmeg on toffee apples. The palate was salty too, now introducing barbecued lobster, crab meat and salmon mousse, while applewood-smoked beetroot was served with bacon and singed cherry pie. Water released medicinal notes and thick tar, creosote and seaweed on almond croissants, lemon drizzle cake and smoked mackerel. Flavours now suggested cookie dough and picnics at the beach with fresh figs, fennel seeds and tar-covered ropes. Five years in an ex-bourbon hogshead before being transferred to a second fill oloroso hogshead.

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