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スパイシー&ドライ/ SPICY & DRY


熟成年数 9 Years
蒸留年 2012
カスク 2nd Fill Barrel / Bourbon
地域 Speyside
ボトリング本数 231
アルコール度数 67.5%

タイトル: Menthol agility / メンソールアジリティ


Strong vapours of menthol and mint suggested soothing muscle rub with sandalwood incense and almond biscuits topped with cumin and caraway seeds. Dry flavours of pencil shavings and nutmeg in hessian sacks sweetened towards floral honey, butterscotch and nut butter before warming ginger wine was served. The floral notes expanded when adding water to form fresh laundry and aromatic tea leaves blended with orange sherbet and icing sugar. Herbal aromas, hazelnut oil and toffee combined to create a sticky cough mixture while custard cream biscuits became coated with whipped cream. Flavours now embraced cocoa nibs and fragrant tobacco with exotic wood resins and the lasting character of burnt cranberries.

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