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ヤング&スプライトリー / YOUNG & SPRITELY


熟成年数 9 Years
蒸留年 2012
カスク 1st Fill Barrel / Bourbon
地域 Highland
ボトリング本数 208
アルコール度数 61.3%

タイトル: Sweet and sassy / 魅力的で勢いがある


At once sweet and charming but also sophisticated and sassy, a joyful punch of a fresh, floral fragrant scent filled the room next to aromas of iced gems, traditional homemade Scottish tablet and pear frangipane tarts. Zingy on the palate reminded one panellist of a “cinnamon challenge”, but there was also the creamy, sweet fruitiness of papaya and passionfruit fool hiding in the background. Takes water well and on the nose now lemons, lychees, custard creams, banana split and lavender candy while to taste fruity flavoured fizzy sweets and flower flavoured ice creams like vanilla rose, chocolate lavender, chamomile honey and jasmine matcha green tea.

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