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ピート / PEATED


熟成年数 10 Years
蒸留年 2012
カスク Refill Hogshead / Bourbon
地域 Islay
ボトリング本数 280
アルコール度数 58.8%

タイトル: Pirate ship cruise / 海賊船クルーズ


The nose was a modern art canvas of grey ash, flecked with green (peeled twigs, grass, green malt), but our contemplation was distracted by appetising smells of bacon and kippers. The palate combined that leafy greenness with earthy flavours and suggestions – eucalyptus, mescal and coal fires. The reduced nose picked up the fresh saltiness of olive brine and invigorating seaside walks, with hints of carbolic and salted peanuts. To taste now, we were sipping dirty martinis on the deck of a pirate ship – burnt lemon peel, tarry ropes and engine oil – the finish tormented us with white pepper and ash.

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