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スパイシー&ドライ/ SPICY & DRY


熟成年数 15 Years
蒸留年 2005
カスク 2nd fill hogshead / Oloroso
地域 Speyside
ボトリング本数 241
アルコール度数 59.5%

タイトル: Carved and crafted / 精巧な彫像


We imagined a wood carver unrolling a leather pouch with all the tools ready to start a new project. On the palate there was plenty of fragrant wood flavours combined with autumn harvest baked apples with raisins, walnuts and cinnamon. After the addition of water, the scent of freshly baked rye bread combined with conkers and conifer cones made for a sweetish, herbaceous bouquet. The taste was that of Turkish oil cake once again with walnuts and raisins as well as pogaca a type of bread which is baked in ashes before being finished in the oven. Following thirteen years in an ex-bourbon hogshead, we transferred this whisky into a 2nd fill Oloroso hogshead.

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