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スイート、フルーティー&メロー / SWEET, FRUITY & MELLOW


熟成年数 10 Years
蒸留年 2011
カスク 1st Fill Barrel / Bourbon
地域 Speyside
ボトリング本数 207
アルコール度数 61.3%

タイトル: Fruit salad faceplanting / フルーツサラダの植え込み


A rather dusty nose greeted the panel, lots of dry oatmeal, cereals and toasted breads. This quickly started to incorporate things like apple peelings, gorse flower, hand lotion and sandalwood as well. Aromatic and elegant we agreed. With water we got vase water, lemon sorbet, verbena, white mushroom and cigarette papers. The neat palate opened with a big hit of marzipan, honey and limoncello. Some sweet floral tones and also things like liquorice, fennel and pineapple. Reduction brought yet more sweetness, but also milk stout, iced biscuits, juicy fruit chewing gum and soda bread.

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  • Nose