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スイート、フルーティー&メロー / SWEET, FRUITY & MELLOW


熟成年数 7 Years
蒸留年 2013
カスク 1st Fill Barrel / Rye
地域 Ireland
ボトリング本数 248
アルコール度数 58.3%

タイトル: Simply breath-taking / 息を呑むだけ

3年間1st fill bourbon barrelで熟成した後、ライウイスキーの熟成に使用した1st fill barrelへ移し替え。

This was simply a breath-taking aroma; church incense, rose petals, orange oil, dried heather, bergamot, nutmeg – no need to continue. The taste neat was certainly as exciting with cocoa, cayenne and espresso roasted walnuts as well as starfruit curd with tropical fruits. After careful reduction, at first the scent of fresh herbal notes like thyme and fennel soon followed by vanilla, coconut, rum and raisin. On the palate now like an orange chocolate truffle, rich and creamy dark chocolate with additional pure orange oil and crunchy pistachios. After three years in a 1st fill bourbon barrel, this whisky was transferred into a 1st fill barrel which previously matured rye whiskey.

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